Tuesday, January 29, 2008

First Post

Okay, the purpose of this is to try to reconnect with some family members I and I'm sure many of us have not connected with in the past. I'm getting tired of wondering things like, "I wonder what Ann Marie is doing these days." and "Have Frank and Lisa moved again since the last time I spoke to them?" So instead of calling around and finding phone numbers like perhaps a normal rational person might do, I decided to start a family blog so people who are lost could find the family and if someone wants to stay lost, well I guess they can do that easily enough, too.

I chose the blogspot.com because I've had my personal blog on there for some time and it seems very user friendly. If you have any questions on how to post, how to put up pictures, etc feel free to ask. If I don't know the answer, I will find out.

Some general ideas to get you going:

1--Don't feel the need to overedit. If U R used 2 typing like ths then that is fine. Don't NOT contribute because you are a two fingered typist or are afraid your dyslexia is going to turn someone off. We are family and we would love to hear from you!

2--Don't think that every post has to be monumental, earth shattering, six pages long...nope. If all you have to say is "Hi all, I'm here and doing fine." then by all means go ahead and post that.

3--Please give me more email addresses. There is a younger generation to this family that I haven't even met living somewhere out on the west coast. Share the link for this site with them, send me more email addresses and I will get as many people involved as possible.


1 comment:

Haferbecker said...

Hey Dale!

This is Joel... yeah, the littlest of the West Coasters. :)

My dad forwarded the link to your blog, it's really cool. It's awesome to see the family again! I can't even remember the last time we were all together. Probably back in Grandma and Grandpas old house in Royal Oak. Anyway, I would love to contribute to your blog and try to keep everyone updated. I also have a blog - http://www.haferbecker.com/joel/. I live in California now, so I blog mostly to keep the folks current on what's going on in my life.

Good to see ya, feel free to send me an email or an invite to contribute on your blog.

- Joel Haferbecker