Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Zipping on the Frim Fram and Fripping at the Krotz

Whooooo, time is flying. We have entered the final 7 week dash to the end of the school year and track has started. I took a couple years off coaching track to have more time to stay with Alanis, but now she is old enough tag along with me to track practices and trust me, she has more than enough energy to keep up.

It's the final week of the third marking period and grades are due which means lots of extra paperwork, I procrastinated on my application to the Upper Peninsula Writing Project for this summer and now have to jam to get that in by the end of the week. That one is my own fault ther.

Just wanted to check in and let people know that if I don't post as frequently as I was there for a while,'s not's me.

Wellest wishes to all.

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